More Predictability & Less Volatility
The value of investment performance can be measured in two ways; how the performance is appreciated or rejected by the investor and how it translates over the long term.
The Roles of Predictability and Volatility in Investment
Directly related to risk are the portfolio characteristics of performance predictability and its opposite, volatility.
Predictability refers to what degree the performance of an investment portfolio may be predicted.
To illustrate by providing two extreme cases, a perfectly predictable portfolio would be one that always provides exactly the same return in every time period, for example $100 per month in every month or $500 per year in every year. It would always yield exactly the same amount and would therefore be perfectly predictable.
At the opposite extreme, a portfolio with a very low degree of predictability would return widely varying amounts in every time period, maybe $1 one year, $1000 the next year, or some other unpredictable string of returns.
Thus, a more predictable investment is one in which an investor has a higher degree of certainty about the return that he or she will receive in a given time period.
Volatility is related to the concept of “risk”. It refers to the extent to which an investment may vary in price over a given period of time. For example, consider the following possible company stocks:
Both stocks have an average price over the week of $100. However, the stock price of Company 1 varies from a low of $50 to a high of $150, while the stock price of Company 2 has less variation in the price by day, with a low of $95 and a high of $105. We could say that the stock price of Company 2 is less volatile - it has a lower degree of variation in its price. The stock price of Company 1, on the other hand, changes a lot day by day - it has a higher degree of volatility.
Predictability and volatility are, in a sense, inversely related - high volatility implies low predictability and vice versa. Ideally, a given portfolio provides high predictability and low volatility, because such a portfolio would better enable an investor to plan for the future as he or she would have a higher degree of confidence in the return at a given point in time.